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Post Graduate Diploma (1 YEAR)

About Course

Post Diploma In Industrial Safety

Course Details:

Course Details: Industrial Safety A diploma in industrial safety is very important. There are various risks in the mechanical industry and the whole industrial world overall. Working between huge machines and precisely handled environments has its own risks. This can also lead to catastrophic calamities or situations. This is why a diploma in industrial safety is important because it teaches how to stay safe and implement safety in these environments at different places too. It teaches various safety guidelines and regulations that are taught to be followed and kept in mind to maintain no risk factor.


Industrial Safety


1 Year

Eligibility Candidate must have completed graduate in any branch of Engineering/Technology from a recognized university and minimum two years of work experience in the relevant field.


Candidate must have Qualified Diploma in any branch of Engineering/Technology from a recognized university and minimum five years of work experience in the relevant field.


Candidate must have completed Bachelor's degree in Science with Chemistry or physics as a subject from a recognized university and minimum five years' of work experience in the relevant field


For the above qualifications, it is mandatory to have work experience in any one of the following areas:

I. Manufacturing, Maintenance or Safety Department of Industries.


II. Building or other construction work or work experience in Port/Post office or construction industry.


III. Educational Experience in Research, Training or Safety.


IV. Work Experience in Administration of any state institution in the department of security.

DESCRIPTION Odd Semester (1st Semester) EvenSemester (2nd Semester) Total(Per Year)
Annual Composite Charges (Per Year)
(Includes: Registration, Book Bank, Uniform, PDP, Seminars, Training & Placement, Internal-Practical & Examinations and other Misc. Expenses
5000 -- 5000/-
Tuition Fees (Per Year) 11250 11250 22500/-
Total 16250 11250 27500/

How to Apply

Open the official website of admission.eshancollege to access the online application. Fill the online application with personal details like name, email, mobile number, aadhar number, state, and course interested etc.

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Department of Post Diploma In Industrial Safety

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